About Normal Sport

Our Story 


This was all a bit of an accident. The most genuine endeavors usually are.

After we (Jason Page and Kyle Porter) worked on a couple of golf books together, we realized that there were not very many traditional outlets covering golf in ways that were actually fun to consume, and the ones that were doing so were often podcasts or YouTube channels. So we started sending out a newsletter to a few of our book buyers, and now over 15,000 people read it every week.

Most outlets that produce written golf news and insight do so from the perspective of the journalist, not the fan. We wanted to create something different than that. Something that felt like it was personal and that it was written and illustrated by people who are in love with the game because we know that’s the position our readers are coming from.

We set out to build something that made you laugh one minute and made you feel inspired the next. Something that you actually looked forward to reading because it brought about joy.

We want to become the most unique publisher of written and illustrated golf content in the world.

Jason is an illustrator in the Netherlands who tends to his own garden and rides his bike to art galleries on the weekend. Kyle is a writer in Dallas who has four kids and plays wiffle ball with 10 year olds for fun.

What could bring us together?

Golf, of course.

What we realized along the way, though, as we labored to create the best product we could possibly create for other golf sickos like ourselves, is that we really love the art of creating. It feels like magic to make something out of nothing. To build newsletters and books and other products. It is a type of magic.

John Steinbeck once said this about creating: “If there is a magic in story writing, and I am convinced there is, no one has ever been able to reduce it to a recipe that can be passed from one person to another.”

We don’t know what we’re doing, which is part of the point and most of the fun. We’re just making things – written and illustrated – that we want to exist and trusting that there are enough of you out there who will enjoy them as well. We’re figuring out golf alongside you.

What Does Normal Sport Mean?


It’s a cheeky nod to the fact that golf is the strangest game on earth.

A game in which giraffes romp down the playing field on a semi-regular basis. A game in which if you don’t keep your own statistics (and everyone else’s) correctly, you’re ejected from the event. A game in which pool noodles are used as practice props, and nobody blinks an eye.

We take a few of these oddities and try to juxtapose them with the beauty of the game to create a publication that will hopefully make you chuckle but that may also make you more contemplative. Golf is uniquely positioned to do just that, we’re simply trying to capture those moments.

TLDR: If you can make me laugh, you can probably make me cry. If you've ever watched Inside the NBA, you know this to be true.

Mission and Vision


Mission: Use humor and humanity to make the daily fan’s personal experience of golf feel meaningful.

Vision: Become the most unique publisher of written and illustrated golf content in the world.

What to Expect 


We really only do one thing right now. We deliver fresh, meaningful golf news with humor and heart 3x per week.

We take little conversations we’re already having with golf friends, publish our take on them and send them out. Every newsletter is handcrafted by fans (us) and delivered to fans (you). 

One reader said it better than I could: “I open these emails because of golf, but I'm rarely thinking about just golf when I close them, which I think is a pretty cool testament to what you're doing.”

It's free to sign up, and it's free to leave. You can join 15,000 other sickos right here. If you want to read our latest newsletter, you can do that here.

Who We Are


Kyle Porter

Head of Content and Vision

Kyle wrote close to 3 million words about golf over 12 years for CBS Sports and covered 47 majors and five Ryder Cups in the process. He has written three books – Normal Sport 1, 2 and 3 – and built a newsletter of 15,000 golf fans at NormalSport.com. He has done work with or appeared at the following outlets: Golf Channel, Masters, PGA Tour, No Laying Up, Fried Egg Golf and the Ryder Cup. Previously he founded, ran and sold an Oklahoma State website called Pistols Firing. He lives in Texas with his wife and four kids.

Profile image of Kyle Porter

Jason Page

Art Director

Jason has been golfing and goofing around with image making since he was a kid. Those two loves combined with years of making unsolicited golf logos for online strangers snowballed into a career as golf-illustrator-at-large for Kyle’s Normal Sport books as well as the Shotgun Start podcast, No Laying Up and a handful of others. He’s shooting to bring more multilayered, open, colorful and playful narratives into golf storytelling. He lives in Amsterdam (NL) with his wife who couldn’t care less about golf.

Profile image of Jason Page

David Hill

Business Ops

David is a sales pro with a knack for building businesses from scratch. He helped grow his last company from just 1 to 70 employees and over $10 million in revenue. An Atlanta Braves superfan and a golf addict, his quotes regularly pop up in 'The Infirmary' section of the newsletter. As a self proclaimed golf and baseball purist, he believes that batting helmets are pointless and golf equipment should be rolled back to hickory shafts and gutta-percha balls. David lives in Arkansas with his wife and daughter.

Profile image of David Hill

Jeff Smith

Brand Strategy

Jeff has a background in product design and has worked with teams designing and building apps and websites for six years with the folks at CrateBind. He loves building new things and has led design efforts for teams like Dude Perfect, Mizzen+Main and The Village Church. More personally he is a lifelong sports fan and will tell you that the 2011 Dallas Mavericks are the greatest team of all time. As the team’s least experienced golfer (by far), Normal Sport has been a great way to engage with the sport in a new and fresh way. He lives in Texas with his wife and two kids.

Profile image of Jeff Smith


I'm not getting emails. What is the problem?
The PIF has definitely invaded your inbox. Kidding! Probably! Make sure our emails are not going to spam or junk. Look for kyle@normalsport.com in your spam or junk, and be sure to whitelist the "normalsport" domain in your inbox. You can also find and mark a newsletter from us as important or just open and reply to one, which will teach your inbox you like us and don’t want us in your spam.
I'm still having a problem subscribing to the newsletter or receiving emails. What can I do?
Email david@normalsport.com with the subject line "Subscription issue.” We will get back to you.
I want to advertise my brand or business in the Normal Sport newsletter.
Wonderful news! Email david@normalsport.com with the subject line “Sponsor the newsletter.” We will get back to you with a framework agreement.
How do you pick your advertisers?
Our advertising policy is pretty simple. If it’s not a product or service we use and enjoy (or would use and enjoy) regularly, then we decline.
Why should I be reading Normal Sport? Why are you different?
We believe that Johnson Wagner should be in the Hall of Fame, Jordan Spieth is an (FDA-unapproved) drug, the Claret Jug is superior to the Stanley Cup and golf is the weirdest and best sport in the world. 

We don’t think of what we send you as just an email. 

We think of each edition as a handcrafted newsletter. No different than the craftsmanship that goes into physical products, even if all of it is digital.
Join over 14,000 sickos who read Normal Sport every week!